Friday, December 22, 2006

Amazing photos

Wow - we just recieved back the proof of Hayden's kindy photos - this is a huge brag - but seeing as it's my blog, I think it's okay - but OMG, he looks amazing!!!

Due to copyright I'm not going to post them on here, but here is a link to the shots - it's worth checking them out!!

Christmas shopping all done, except for groceries and stuff to take camping.

Can't wait to go camping, to get away for a few days, will be fab.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Okay - we'll see if this works - last time I tried to put a youtube file in here, the formating went haywire...

Ohhh... yay - I fixed it.... view away!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Gingerbread Man!!!

Yesterday we made another batch of Gingerbread - Hayden loves to help cut out the shapes, he gets covered in flour, most of the house does too, but it's all fun and in the end we get yummy gingerbread shapes to eat!!

Parties, parties, parties

Well it is the silly season after all!! We had two parties on Saturday. The first one was Gabriella's first birthday party. There were farm animals there and Hayden had a great time feeding the goats and sheep, and brushing them, and playing with the chickens.

Then it was off to Brisbane after his sleep for a housewarming party for some friends Craig and Simone who finally moved into their completed home just over a month ago. There were lots of other kids for Hayden to play with, he found a police car and then Craig gave him an old police cap to wear (Craig is in the force). Hayden thought he was the ant's pants!!

The cap was deemed 'too big' tho and ditched. Then the real fun began in the pool. The rain had stopped and the kids decided it was pool time. The Dad's obliged the littlies and they had a blast in the pool - I'm so proud of Hayden and how far he's come with his confidence in the water - perhaps a little too confident for his abilities at the moment - note the large boulder he's jumping off!! I have this on vid and will attempt to link my youtube posting with this....

What a great party and a huge day!!

Couple of Chrissy Photos

A wonderful package arrived from the USA on Thursday - wow! Inside was a great child's size santa hat, Hayden loves it!! He modelled with it on...

Then on Friday afternoon Mum and Dad came over, Dad wanted to have a swim with Hayden and then take a family photo of the three of us for his Christmas letter. Here is the result

We haven't had a family shot taken in ages, I like how this one has turned out.

A Wiggly Day

Tuesday 12th December was the Wiggles concert - long anticipated by us Mum's! Hayden seemed excited to be going on an adventure to Brisbane to see the Wiggles, although he kept going to the TV to put a DVD on to see them all morning when we mentioned it. The concept of 'live' hasn't really sunk in yet!

We drove down with Finn and Janelle and met Kate with Zoe and Isabella there as well as Sophie with Emily and Gabriella and Sophie's MIL Marlene. We found our seats, they were great, 6th row from the stage starting right at the aisle. The kids were all a bit in awe of their surroundings and then when the wiggly men came out on stage and the music started there were smiles all round.

Hayden took off down the front with a lot of other kids who were dancing down there, he tried to get on stage a couple of times, security were onto him!! Then suddenly he wanted to go home... ??? I think he was a bit overwhelmed. He sat on my lap for a while and then Jeff came out to collect some roses, he walked right next to us and Hayden shook his hand.

It all became a bit much for him though and just about half way through I had a sleeping bundle in my lap... awwwww....

Dad's Birthday

Last Sunday was Dad's Birthday and we had a BBQ breakfast down at one of the local parks. It was a beautiful morning, we took Hayden's bike down and he had a blast zooming up and down the path. He took great delight in 'helping' B'Pa blow out his candle - and then of course enjoyed eating the cake too.

We stayed down there for ages after everyone else left, Hayden was playing on the rocks and watching the fishermen and women, splashing about in the water and in general having a great time. A lovely way to spend a morning.

Mother's group in the Park

Well this was a week and a bit ago - but the pix are so cute I had to share.

Hayden contemplating what to play with next...

We had Mother's group in a park that we've been to a few times in the past few weeks, it's a great park and there is never anyone else there. The kids had a blast playing around the tree and pretending to 'fix' the bridge.

A fun morning out!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas is coming

Ho Ho Ho!

Hayden has been right into Christmas this week with 2 visits to Santa and tree decorating and the Christmas boat parade... the festive season is amongst us.

We took him to sit on Santa's knee at our local shopping centre on Monday afternoon, he wasn't afraid of Santa at all, walked right up to him and sat on his knee, the only trouble then was trying to make him smile - he was being so serious. We had to settle for this hint of an upturned corner of the mouth.

The rest of the week has been pretty 'normal' as far as that goes in our lives. I've been getting right into the gym, going 5 days a week to various classes and doing my training program - I'm loving it. Hayden comes with me on Tuesdays and Saturdays and he goes to the creche, he has a great time there while I'm sweating it out.

We've been having a lot of early mornings with him though - he's often up before 5am, by about 1pm I'm exhausted. He's definately getting block-out blinds in the new house and for God's sake Peter Beattie - bring on daylight savings!!!!!!!!!

I guess officially I should make mention of the fact that I'm no longer pregnant - unfortunately the baby had an extra set of chromosomes and was never going to survive, it's now been almost a month since I had a D&C.

The Christmas boat parade was on Saturday night - we have some friends that live on Harbour Parade opposite the river so we had prime viewing position. It was a great night, the kids all had a blast too and Hayden was in his element with Emily - middle child of the house, they are in day-care together and adore each other.

We started putting up the Christmas tree on Saturday - resigned now to the fact that we won't be selling the house and settling before then - Erin has also put up a few lights outside. Hayden and Erin finished decorating the tree yesterday morning while I had a rare lie-in.

We're going to attempt some gingerbread baking this week - I have grand ambitions of making a gingerbread house - stay tuned!

The house... we changed the wording of the ad this week and we had seven groups through - our biggest numbers in one day yet. Of those, two groups are apparently keen, so we'll just have to wait (that damn word again!) and see what happens.

This week is shaping up to be busy - final semester results are posted online tomorrow morning - I pretty much know what I'm heading for but am waiting for official confirmation. On Thursday I'm down to Brisbane with a girlfriend to see Varekai, the latest Cirque de Soleil show to tour here. Then it's Dad's birthday on the weekend and also another friend's birthday so it's bound to be a busy one.

Must fly - Hayden is asking for his weetbix and I have to go to the gym for my boxing class!

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Saga....

... continues.

Well it was a long week as well last week, we didn't find out about the Americans on Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday, in fact, there was no definitive comment either way from them and come Saturday I assumed they'd be flying home. I was down at the beach late Saturday afternoon and ran into another real estate agent friend and he told me that the same couple bought a house from them the night before, for WAY more than we were asking here (like $200,000 more.....) - go figure.

Our offer was accepted on the house we want, but we're subject to sale here, only 23 days left to get an offer here before that runs out.

We had another open here on Saturday, one couple may be promising - I'll believe it when I see a contract.

This real estate bizzo makes you jaded.....

Anyway, apart from that, the week has been okay. Hayden and I have been out and about, we had a fantastic improptu get together with a bunch of friends at the park last Sunday night, then on Friday night we had a great BBQ with some other friends and their kids, on Saturday Santa arrived at the local shopping centre so I took Hayden to witness that spectacle, we didn't try the sitting on knee thing yet tho, but he's so into Christmas and Santa this year I think he'll warm to it quickly. We've been doing more swimming too, down at the rivermouth at LaBalsa Park yesterday just on high tide Hayden was splashing around, it was fantastic, then he did some amazing swimming with Erin in the pool yesterday afternoon (on my you tube for those registered) considering he wouldn't swim with either of us in the pool until last week, yesterday's efforts were amazing.

Well, I'd best be off, have to get to the gym, 5.45am boxing class - bring it on!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

A Week in Real Estate

is... as they say... a very long time!

Last Wednesday (hmmm, that should be Wednesday week ago - 8th Nov), we finally recieved an offer and a contract on our house - we were very excited. I immediately went into 'buyer' mode and hunted for what would be our next home. We knew what areas we wanted, I'd also been watching the market and we had a couple of homes in mind. I went through about fifteen of them in two days and narrowed it down to two. On the Friday (Nov 10) Erin came through both of the homes and we decided on one in Kawana Forest, we made an offer that night over our Indian take away!

Last Monday (Nov 13) my agent called to tell me that our sale contract had been withdrawn :-( The buyers were suffering from buyers remorse - they used the building inspection clause to get out of the deal and walked away. GRRRRR. That meant the domino effect happened with our purchase contract also falling over given that it was conditional upon the contract on our house going unconditional. The house was due to go to auction though on Saturday (Nov 18) so we still had a chance to put another contract on.

Tuesday (14th) and Wednesday (15th) we had more groups come through our house, the group on Wednesday looked promising, an Australian wife and an American husband (hmmm... sound familiar?!!!), the husband hadn't flown in yet, they were back to buy a house to move into, the husband was flying in on Friday, they wanted to wait over the weekend and then see it again (possibly) next week.

Mean while, we were working out our strategy to get the other house back. The best option for us would be for it to be passed in at auction and then we could put a conditional contract on it afterwards. Risky, but our only chance.

On Friday morning (17th) my agent called and advised me that the American couple wanted to come through again that afternoon - bearing in mind the husband only landed on Friday morning from the USA - I was very excited, they were obvioulsy keen. After the inspection my agent told me that she was basically sold on it but he, understandably, needed to see more options. They were going to check out some other houses on Saturday.

Saturday - Nov 18th. Auction day. The auction was at 2pm, Erin had jumps prior so I went down to it with Mum and Dad, and Hayden of course. There were quite a few people there, a few that looked interested but we learnt that there were no registered bidders at the auction, it progressed with only an opening bid by the auctioneer and then a vendors bid, also by the auctioneer. It was passed in and we then signed a contract with a 'subject to sale' condition. Yay.

Then... we found out that another family who were on holidays (in Thailand...!) also wanted to put a contract on the house. They wouldn't have any conditions and therefore would be more attractive to the seller. We spoke to our agent about the level of interest from the American couple but he hadn't spoken to them so he didn't know if they were ready to commit, we couldn't go unconditional so we thought we'd just wait and see how it played out, the holidaying couple didn't have anything down on paper yet.

Then... yesterday, Sunday we had another call from our agent asking if the American couple could come through for a THIRD look that afternoon! Yay! We naturally obliged. After the inspection my agent again said that the wife is sold, they were going to confer over night and let us know tomorrow morning (which is now today... timelines are so confusing when written retrospectively!). So we were still in with a shot - if we got a contract then we could go unconditional based on ours going unconditional which is much more solid than just based upon sale.

Then... not even an hour later, the agent we were buying from called and said the offer was in from the other couple and the vendor was asking for them to be faxed to him. Ours wasn't going to get a look in unless we either substantially raised our offer price or removed our conditions, neither of which we were prepared to do.

A bind.

So... last night we called the agent of the house that was #2 on the list - a very close #2 mind you, it was in our first choice estate and had a seperate room for an office, and didn't need any immediate work like the fencing we would have done at the other one. The agent said he'd come over, we explained our situation (both houses are listed with the same agency, just with different agents) and then withdrew our offer on house #1.

Then we made an offer on house #2!

Photos can be found at this link, which were taken in pretty bad weather so are a bit dark, but you'll get the idea.

So now the wait is still on. We'll find out today whether a) the Americans are going to make us an offer and b) if our offer price on the above house is accepted or if we are going to get into price negotiations... we'll see.

So for now, that's what I'm devoting my time to. House selling and buying and then I hope, a removal.

Stay tuned!

Friday, October 27, 2006

I'VE FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay - so I'm a little excited - but it's been such a long time coming - I've finished my University degree!!!!!! Yesterday I handed in my final papers for all my subjects, my 'Novel Ideas' creative writing final submission was due yesterday, handed it in. My manuscript for my Production Workshop wasn't due until today (Friday) but I finished editing it on Wed night and handed it in yesterday too which meant that subject was done and then I only had my 1200 word Communication essay to finish (oh - and start!). I spent from 10am - 6pm at Uni yesterday, I had a 1hr final lecture in the middle and had a bit of a chat to a few people but most of that time was writing my essay which I started, finished and handed in - it wasn't due until next Friday (November 3rd) but I really wanted to get it all done yesterday and I did - whooohoooo!!

Sending that final paper down the submission box was a big moment for me - for many reasons. Firstly I'd finally achieved what I set out to do 14 years ago (1992) when I enrolled in my first degree. Admittedly my major has morphed a lot since then, and being an 18yo straight out of boarding school wasn't very condusive to personal academic application! Then I enrolled in 1994, part time as I was working full time - I did 2 semesters but the focus wasn't really there so... adios amigos.

Then, after returning to Australia from the USA in 2002 I decided it was time to give it all another go. I enrolled and started first semester 2003 in the Bachelor of Computer Based Art & Design, at the end of '03 I fell preg with Hayden and then took semester 1 2004 off to 'be' preg. He was born in May '04 and I returned to semester 2 '04 when he was 7 weeks old. From then on I have completed every semester, and even doing one summer semester. My major changed a few times, but I settled on a major in communication with a minor in International Relations & Politics. I have taken a full time course load the whole way though - managing mostly 3 subjects per semester but in sem. 1 this year I took 4 subjects, that was a struggle!

So now it's done - I've come out with an average GPA of just over 6 - the highest possible score is a 7 and that would mean perfect 'high disctinctions' for the whole degree - so, I'm pretty proud of myself. In the time that I've been completing this I've also been running my own business in Graphic Design, I've raised an infant to a toddler to a 2.5yo and I've project managed a major home renovation. Yep - it's been a tough slog but I GOT THERE!!!!!

So - now what????? I'm going to go back and do honours next year (I think I've already mentioned that in a previous post) and will also be teaching subjects in media.

Anyway - that's my little self-indulgent 'look at me' post - our graduation ceremony isn't until APRIL - which is highly ridiculous so there won't be any pix of me in my academic regalia until then!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

We'll all sleep well tonight!

Wow - what a weekend - and it isn't even over yet.

Yesterday we had another open house, no buyers through though :-(

After Hayden's sleep we went up to the Buddina School 'Big Day Out' which was basically their school fete/fair. The first thing Hayden did was have his face painted...

(do you see a trend emerging?!!)

Then it was time for some rides, we did the giant slide - 4 times (with Daddy of course)

And also the UFO ride (twice)

he also rode on a truck that was painted up like a fire engine, had a great play in the ball pit and patted the animals in Old McDonald's Farm (although had to overcome being bitten by a chicken when he stuck his hand thru the fence into it's mouth!!) We also saw lots of little friend there, both his 'Emily' friends, who he had a wonderful time running races with and then falling on the ground in fits of laughter - only to have either Emily fall down with him and giggle too, such the comedian!

We left the fair a bit after 6pm just as a thunder storm was rolling in. We had dinner at Mum and Dad's and Hayden had special chicken drumsticks, mmmmm.

Then onto today - the weather was cloudy and windy so Erin wasn't going to be jumping, we decided to go out for breakfast to Chancellors Tavern, it has a great play area for kids and Hayden can wander around and not get into any (ahem - much) harm, he's mezmerised by the big 'claw' toys where you have to manouver the claw to grab a toy or some chocolate bars etc, another family was playing and won some chocolate and Hayden did the quick grab and run and made off with a handful of chocolates - OMG!!! We made him give them back and the family let him keep a freddo frog... choccie thief!! Anyway, had a great breakfast and then went down to the HMAS Brisbane Memorial as Erin hadn't seen it, then we decided to hit the home show, one of my clients had a stall there so we checked it out and looked around, we ended up being there for over 2 hrs as Hayden fell asleep in the pram so we killed some time and watched the motorbike display. When he woke up he was hungry but all he wanted was an...

Ice Cream.... yum!!

Now I'm exhausted!! It was really nice to hang out as a family over the weekend though, something we don't get to do very often. I sure will sleep well tonight!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Oh Dear... Unexplained Absence!

Gazillions of apologies - time just gets away sometimes. You EB girls will know most of the *gory details* of why I haven't had the time to update, for the rest of the world (does anyone else even know this is here?? LOL) you'll just have to be satisfied with 'Sorry'.

Ok - well one excuse is good news - On 4th June 2007 we're expecting our 2nd child - yay! So I'm currently almost 8 weeks (Monday is my 'click-over' day) and feeling fine. Tired but fine. In terms of nausea, I only get it very occasionally and generally when I first wake up, which these days is around 4am, which in itself is getting a little old but that's a whloe other winge! The diet has gone out the window so the 10kg I just lost (22lbs for you guys over the pond) will just come right back on no doubt. Although, my new gym opens on Monday and I have an assessment on Tuesday arv with a trainer to see what I can do and what my exercise program should be while pg. My biggest symptom of pg is hunger, and the sweet tooth is back - although perhaps not as much as last time (YET!!).

Right - so what else... work has been stupidly busy, I've billed more in the last 10 days than I did practically all of last year... phew... money comes in very handy right now though.

House still not sold but only week 2 this weekend with the new agents, something will happen. We've found a new house so we just have to be patient and wait till we get a serious offer so that we can then buy. The one we're looking at buying is here I didn't realise there were so many photos on that listing - heaps! Anyway - I'll keep you all posted on any developments.

Umm... oh, we got a new car. We've bought a 4yo Nissan Pathfinder from Mum and Dad - it's like brand new as Dad's taken immaculate care of it. They upgraded to the latest model so we swooped in and grabbed a bargin. Now we'll sell Erin's old POC!

I'm struggling to think of any new photos to add, just to keep this a bit more interesting... let me go have a look-see and see if I come up with anything... Oh, here is a cute one of Emily and Hayden playing at Emily's place a couple of weeks (2 weeks) ago. I had to take some shots for a brochure for a client and then was just messing around, they were laughing at Sophie playing peek-a-boo behind me - too cute.

Uni - that's the other thing going on right now - I did a speech last week which went exceptionally well (those of you who know me probably won't be surprised :-)) and all I have left to complete is 1200 words of my major manuscript and a 1200 word essay - then I'm DONE - my whole degree - YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still going back next year though and starting honours and I'm also going to be teaching classes. I'm going to be taking (teaching) about 4 classes of one subject in Australian Media Industries - I did the subject a couple of years ago and loved it, it will be a great one to teach.

Right - so that's pretty much it - you're all up-to-date!

I'll be back in here soon - promise!!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Newest Australian

It's now official - Erin is an Australian!

We had his citizenship ceremony yesterday at home in conjunction with his 30th Birthday Party. Our Federal Member Peter Slipper MP offered to perform the ceremony for us. The proceedings started straight after the AFL Grand Final (yay Weagles!) in front of family and friends. Erin said his citizenship pledge and then fired up the barbie in true Aussie style.

A Whale of a Time

Monday 25th September was Erin's 30th Birthday so in order to celebrate we went up to Hervey Bay to go Whale Watching. It's about a 2.5 hr drive up there, so it was a nice easy day trip. We went out with Whalesong Cruises and did the 1pm - 5.30pm lunch time cruise. The day was beautiful, sunny and warm and the bay was very calm, unfortunately the whales are pretty docile in calm water. Our talented captain was able to find some playful pods nevertheless and we saw some amazing breeches, pectoral slaps and tail slaps. It was pretty stunning seeing these awesome creatures up close, some were within 20 - 30 meters from the boat. The power of them is massive but the grace with which they move is almost at odds with their size.

Hayden was perhaps a few months too young to really take in the adventure, he didn't process that we had to be on the boat for about an hour and a half before we saw any whales, he was tired of being in a confined space and he asked to 'go home' a couple of times. After we'd stopped to view the first calf and mother I took him inside where there were some toys and then the crew put a video on for the kids, kept him occupied for the rest of the trip!! He came out to see the whales at the end as they were waving bye-bye so that was good enough for him. We'd evidently gone a lot further north than they usually do in order to find an active pod so our ride back into the harbour was over 2 hours, we were consequently late arriving back but the consolation was the wonderful sunset we witnessed as we headed to shore - nature never ceases to provide does she!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Farewell Steve

No doubt most of you, as with many around the world, would have watched the Memorial Service for Steve Irwin on Wednesday. As mentioned in my last post, I was fortunate enough to get tickets to be there in person. My sister, Cecilia, and I went together. There were all sorts of reports in the lead up to the event that traffic would be a nightmare, so many people all trying to get in at once, but I didn't have any problems and at the zoo itself the staff had everything working like clockwork, busses were shuffling people from remote parking, police kept the traffic flowing and the pedestrians were also cycled through. It actually worked to precision. Once Cec and I met up and entered the zoo we then waited in line for entry into the crocoseum.
We were probably amongst the middle of the 3000 people who had the general admission tickets. Once we were inside the crocoseum we took our seats about half way up
the grandsand and right in the middle - perfect! The dignitaries and VIP guests were over to our right and the main stage to our left.

The audience began clapping and cheeing all Australia Zoo staff as they came out in their Kakhi uniforms and took their seats, then the Prime Minister and other Government reps came out to big cheers as well but when Bindi came out to take her seat, followed by Terri and Bob, the crowd went wild and the tears were flowing. 5000 people on their feet clapping the Irwin family - a very moving experience.

Not long after that, the PM opened proceedings and from that point it was also live to air. Being part of the crowd was humbling. I felt it was one of the moments when I was most proud of being Australian. The Australian way of life, our wildlife and our people were being celebrated. Emotions were running high. Joining John Williamson singing 'Home amongst the gum trees' was invigorating and soul wrenching at the same time. Seeing flashes of Steve on the screen and the catch phrase 'He changed our World' in between clips was very apt.

Everything had been thought through, everything ran to schedlue and everyone was in awe of what we were a part of. I couldn't help glancing over at Terri at numerous times throughout the service, just to see the pain on her face, but also the pride she has for Steve too was evident. Everything was done in such good taste, and the finale of having his Ute packed up with all his favourite stuff and driven out through the 'crocmen' guard of honour was amazing. The heartstings were most certainly tugged. I'm so glad I was there, witnessing and experiencing and sharing in the life of a man who touched so many and acomplished so much in his life. Farewell Steve - a true Aussie Legend.


Endless visions fill my head – this man – as large as life

And instantly my heart mourns for his angels and his wife

Because the way I see Steve Irwin – just put everything aside

It comes back to his family – it comes back to his pride

His animals inclusive – Crikey – light the place with love!

Shine his star with everything he fought to rise above

The crazy-man of Khaki from the day he left the pouch

Living out his dream and in that classic ‘Stevo’ crouch

Exploding forth with character and redefining cheek

It’s one thing to be honoured as a champion unique

It’s one thing to have microphones and spotlight cameras shoved

It’s another to be taken in and genuinely loved

But that was where he had it right – I guess he always knew

From his fathers’ modest reptile park and then Australia Zoo

We cringed at times and shook our heads – but true to natures call

There was something very Irwin in the make up of us all

Yes the more I care to think of it – the more he had it right

If you’re going to make a difference – make it big and make it bright!

Yes - he was a lunatic! Yes - he went head first!

But he made the world feel happy with his energetic burst

A world so large and loyal that it’s hard to comprehend

I doubt we truly count the warmth until life meets an end

To count it now I say a prayer with words of inspiration

May the spotlight shine forever on his dream for conservation

…My daughter broke the news to me – my six year old in tears

It was like she’d just turned old enough to show her honest fears

I tried to make some sense of it but whilst her Dad was trying

His little girl explained it best…she said “The crocodiles are crying”

Their best mate’s up in heaven now – the crocs up there are smiling!

And as sure as flowers, poems and cards and memories are piling

As sure as we’ll continue with the trademarks of his spiel

Of all the tributes worthy – he was rough…but he was real

As sure as ‘Crikey!’ fills the sky

I think we’ll miss ya Steve…goodbye


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy

Geesh, I'm not even sure where to start... I think I mentioned last time that we had some relatives out from the UK, they were here for a wedding, well, specifically two of them were here to be married and then 3 other relatives came to witness the event. The visitors started arriving last Friday night with Pam, then on Tuesday some other distant cousins of Dad's arrived (Gillian & Francis - actually only Gillian is related, Francis is her partner) and then on Wednesday the Bride and Groom arrived (Anne & Brian) and on Thursday night we all had a big family dinner at Mum & Dad's including all of us and Alan and Lorelle (Dad's brother & Partner). The Wedding was on Friday night, there were only eleven of us at the ceremony and the photographer and the celebrant, Cec and Joorj didn't arrive in time as they were stuck in traffic in Bris and Cec couldn't get off work any earlier. We were all there for the reception though which was an excellent meal for the thirteen of us.

Yesterday (Saturday) we had the first of our 'next round' of open houses, although we did have two groups through on Wednesday, one of those groups needs to buy something quickly and wants to buy in our area, we just have to see what they thought in follow up. It would be GREAT to get a quick sale! We had seven groups through yesterday, two of which are also very keen apparently.

Yesterday we also had another family meal gathering, lunch at Alan and Lorelle's, it was the last time we'd all be together, although Mum and Dad couldn't be there, but that's another story! This morning Anne & Brian went on their honeymoon to Ayers Rock and Lizzard Island, today Gillian and Francis fly out, back to Canberra for a week before back to the UK and tomorrow Pam leaves - then I'm sure we'll all have empty nest syndome!

It's been great having all the family here and makes me all the more determined to get over to the UK sooner rather than later.

Well I'd better sign off, Hayden should be awake soon and then I'm taking him and Pam out to Australia Zoo - oh, I nearly forgot - I was fortunate enough to get two highly coveted tickets to his memorial service at the zoo on Wednesday - I'll take pix (if appropraite) and post after that.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Big Day Out for a Little Buddy!

What a big day we had yesterday! It was election day here in Qld for the State Government - Dad was on the campaign committee for our local Liberal candidate and I had to go and 'mind' the booth/decorations at one of the local polling stations for an hour before voting opened. Then we had Paul arrive to clean the carpets ready to have the onslaught of open for inspections starting next weekend. While that was happening I took Hayden around to Mum and Dad's - my 2nd Cousin from the UK (Pam) arrived on Friday night so we thought we'd catch up with her. Pam, Mum and I took Hayden and Hershy for a walk to the beach, Hersh was fetching the stick and then Hayden decided it was a pretty good way to carry the stick! He had a great time putting his toes in the water and then laughing as the water sucked past his legs on its way back to join the ocean. He even managed to fall in a couple of times, after the initial fright (and I'm sure the shock of the cool water) he thought that was pretty funny too. After playing down there for about half an hour we walked back to Mum & Dad's, I put Hayden straight down to sleep, all that walking he was exhasted!

After we'd had lunch and Hayden woke up we took Pam up to Point Cartwright to see the view and then up to Perigian Springs where Erin was doing a demo jump into the Arts and Entertainment festival at a school up there. We were there about an hour before the jump so we looked around and Hayden had a turn on the 'Toy Story' jumping castle which he loved, then Mum found Dorothy the Dinosaur singing on stage, Hayden was in heaven! Then Daddy came out of the plane and when they'd all landed Hayden ran out into the middle of the oval to get him, it was very cute! We walked back to the fair and they were handing out cake, wow - big treat, and then it was time to get back in the car and come home - it was after 6pm already!

It was a beautiful day and great to spend almost all of it outdoors.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Yay - the front is done! Well... apart from a spalsh of paint and some oil on the timber, but you get the idea.

The new couch arrived today for upstairs too so I just need to go and find an entertaiment unit and then we've created the second living area upstairs.

Other than that - I've been sick for a few days, a tummy bug, spent most of yesterday in bed and am only just starting to feel better today. If I walk around too much though I feel like I've run a marathon so I'm taking it easy, undecided on whether I'm going to Uni or not.

Hayden is well but we seem to have had a week of the 'terrible two's'. He's been having tanties in the mornings for no particular (or discernable to us) reason. For example he'll ask for weetbix and yoghurt for breakfast and then if it's not exactly right, or too much milk/not enough, etc then he just breaks down and screams... or if he can't have someone else's food, or if he's not allowed to climb somewhere or go outside or come inside or ... whatever!! His fuse seems to be very short. I'm hoping that his 2yo molars are coming through and I can blame them :-)

That's it for now, I think I might go to uni, at least for the 2hr lecture, dont' have to think too hard!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Carport Progress

Ohh... this is very exciting! I came home to this today, before they started this morning there were two posts up and what's there of the fence. It will all be finished tomorrow!!

Go_kart Racing

Here are some more shots from Father's day. As mentioned - we went out to the Big Kart Track for the afternoon on Sunday. I was going to take Hayden on a 10 min ride on the kids track but Erin forgot covered shoes so he had to wear mine so I couldn't take Hayden on but... oh well. We watched him and Dad instead. Here they are as they whizzed by. Oh - and here's a shot of Erin and Hayden which I thought I'd put down below but forgot - this is when Hayden was eating his dinner before we all sat down to burgers (Hayden refused his burger, he wanted weetbix and sultanas - go figure!)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Father's Day

The big day - done!

We had a fairly busy day, we started early with a bbq breakfast down at the park, it was a beautiful morning and we had the place to ourselves whilst we were cooking and eating. Hayden had a great time on the swings - I love this photo even though you can't see his eyes.
Erin had to leave early to go to work and then we visited the HMAS Brisbane memorial which has just been completed. Dad wanted to go up and have a look. It was quite impressive and a nice tribute to the ship. The funny thing though, as we were sitting in the semi-cirle (as in photo) our voices were amplified and it sounded like we were right next to each other when we were at opposite ends of it - cool!
Then it was sleep time and I took Hayden home (via the 'Doing Dad's Proud' event at Cotton Tree - he loved the mouse circus!). Erin got home during sleep time and then Dad called to see if we wanted to go to the Big Kart Track to use his voucher that we gave him for father's day two years ago!! Finally!!

We went out and Erin and Dad had a half hour go each. Then we had a bbq dinner - Erin wanted burgers with the lot and potato bake which I made - yummo.

So that was our day all in all... have to run now but will do more from the rest of the weekend soon!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Golf Day - ahem... Flog day!

Yes, those of you who know me are quite entitled to laugh! Yes... I played in a golf day. It was for the Sunshine Coast Business Women's Network annual golf day, we thought it might be a bit of fun. It was, well... at least for the first 9 hoels but towards the end (we only completed 14 holes anyway - in 5 hrs - in the rain) we were all a bit over it. I think the rain really was the biggest turn off. And we were all aching as we're so superbly in condition (not!). We decided to dress up for the occasion as there was a prize for best dressed team. Seeing as our team was not from any one company we decided to go with a golfing theme - the Divets... complete with turf on our hats and spades, to replace them of course.

We ended up coming second in the best dressed comp - we were robbed tho - having been told by practically everyone there that we should've won. But still, we had a go, made a day of it and had a good laugh!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Housie stuff

As most of you will know, we did a major renovation to our house almost a year ago - althought the final finishing touches were not done until this past May. We put it on the market and it didn't sell at auction :-( but we had a lot of buyer feedback about what we should do to make it sell, the top two were to 1) have undercover parking and 2) to update the kitchen - we've done both. Well, we've done the kitchen and are now in the process of doing the front carport. We had to get special approval to build right up to our front boundary line so the process has taken a while. The slab was poured and finished yesterday and the building will be done this week - as well as a spanking new front fence to complete the picture. Then it'll sell - it HAS to sell!!!!!

So... progress pix - the excavation happened last Saturday, the turf laid last Monday and then slab yesterday.