Firstly, it was my Mum's 60th. They'd been away for 11 days on a cruise and arriving back from Syd to Bris during the day. The 60th party had been planned, I'd taken RSVP's and was organising decorations, decorating and then going to pick them up.
After a busy morning of running around, Hayden and I set off to Bris, successfully collected them from the airport and drove home to being decorating. We had 100 helium balloons to inflate and other bits and pieces to hang.
Upon completion of the balloons I started to feel a bit out of it - pains in my upper abdomen. I lay down on the floor, trying to stretch out. Didn't help. I moved over the the couch and curled up. Still no relief. I went to the loo (you never know...!)... no help. Mum and Hayden had to go back to spotlight for more decorating supplies. I just lay there, trying not to moan. Eventually the pain got the better of me and I started to really feel it. Dad was now concerned and called my Obstetrician. He advised I be taken to the maternity ward asap.
We made it there, I hobbled into the ward, mostly in tears and doubled over in pain. I was assessed, the baby was monitored (and all signs were good) and the Dr arrived. Meanwhile Erin was being rushed back from a meeting in Brisbane to get to me. My OB said it could be one of two things (most likely) - severe reflux or a gall stone. He was going to order an ultrasound for the morning. I reminded him that the next evening (like in 27 hrs) our plane was LEAVING for 2 weeks overseas.
He managed to convince a radiology staff member to return and do my scan that night. Phew. Erin arrived, Dad left, I had a pethadine shot, I had another severe attack of pain and was crying, screaming, writhing. May as well have been in labour!
Scan revealed a HUGE gall stone. OMG.
Blood tests done, Dr left and went to my Mum's party... me still in hosp. Erin with me, Hayden at party.
Lots of conversations backwards and forwards trying to work out if I was able to fly the next night. We didn't have travel insurance (yet), I'd been rushing around so much that morning, it was literally on my PC screen to click - 'accept quote' and pay and I just hadn't done it. So we would've lost everything had we canceled. Not a great thought but seemed to be the general consensus by the medical staff.
Pain died off and I eventually felt tired. Time to sleep. Erin left. I had a pretty good night's sleep considering I had an IV drip in and was in a hospital bed.
Next morning (day of flight). OB visited, said if we go on trip it's at a risk. Advised us to make the decision after speaking to the surgeon. Surgeon came - very relaxed, said he wasn't going to operate until at least bub born and weaned so he didn't see any urgency in it. I had no infection or inflammation. Good signs. He said it was a risk to go, however I would know what the pain was, would have adequate pain medication and would be in a countries with adequate medical care and good English speakers.
We were going!
Erin arrived - with Hayden - Yay!
I gave him the good news and we got the hell out of there! Time to pack, we had a plane to catch!!!
My boys on my hospital bed...