Yes - I graduated from University!

The ceremony was last night at the Uni, it was an amazing feeling to be up there in the gown/hat etc walking across the stage as my name was read out.
Here it is in print... officially!

And although this is a little blurry (being so far away, zoomed, and indoors at night...) it shows me with all the 'bits' after being handed them on stage.

So, it's now official - I'm a University Graduate... FINALLY!!!!!
Apart from that, we've been busy selling houses, buying houses, buying a boat and teaching, working, changing jobs and doing Honours.
To break that down a bit...
I reported last time that the house sold - it's unconditional now and we settle in 2 months. We bought the one we wanted
(here is the link again) and settle on that one on the same day as this place, move booked in for 21st July. I'm looking forward to being in it although we'll miss this place and the area and our friends here a lot, a new start will be great.
The boat....
Part of our plan in selling this place and buying another was to free up some time for Erin (being able to give up weekend work) and also some money (tied up as equity in this house) which would then enable us to buy a boat. Well, as it turned out, Dad sold his boat a couple of months ago and was looking for another, similar to what we wanted, he found a good one at a good price and we decided to go halves in it. Here she is

Erin is off doing his boat course today for his license and I'll do mine after we get back from holidays, not enough time between now and then!
We took it out on Mother's day for an afternoon cruise up Pumicestone Passage and berthed on a deserted beach on Bribie Island - here is Hayden trying to give a helping hand

Uni teaching semester ends this coming week - time does fly by. I'm in amongst a lot of marking right now and then the students hand in their final essays next Wed. I have 2 assignments to do for my Advertising subject for honours, I've been going really well in the assessment thus far, it's a good course.
Erin has changed jobs, he's now working for the water tank company that I (sort of) work for, he'll be full time as of Tue week, he resigned on Thursday from his job after over 3 years there. He'll be doing all the logistics and planning of delivery's etc, which will keep him very busy.
That's about all for now, up to date!