The past couple of months have been a bit of a blur, the weeks all seem to merge and we rush around at lightening speed in order to achieve anything. I'll try to recap some of the more memorable and mentionable events (ie: the ones we have photos of!!)
Swimming Lessons
We're still doing swimming lessons every week, Hayden is becoming very good at propelling himself across the pool. They are learning to use their arms and do their breathing with the use of kick boards. He is still in the class with Gracie who he has been with for over a year and the other girl in his class is Leilani.
Farewell Carley, Nic & Saxony
In early March we went to Brisbane for a BBQ to farewell my cousin Nic and his wife Carley and their (then) 5 month old daughter Saxony. They were leaving Brisbane to move out to Longreach which is where Nic grew up and where the rest of his family still is. We had a great day at J.C. Slaughter Falls, Hayden enjoyed some cricket and loved seeing his new cousin and all the other babies around.
Camping Trip #1
The last weekend in March we went on the first of our back-to-back camping trips. We hadn't been out camping since our post Christmas trip up to North Shore, we were keen to use all our new 'stuff'!
We arrived on Friday night and set up quickly as the light was fading, we thought our site worked really well - it was the first time our tarp had been up, and the whole tent fits underneath - yay!
We were out there with a few other families and there were lots of other children for Hayden to play with, we camped at the Charlie Moreland campsite near Kennilworth, it was lovely.
Then - onto...
Camping Trip #2
Yes... suckers for punishment!! We had our Easter camping trip planned long before the previous weekend came up, so naturally we were still going to go. We were meeting friends Simone and Craig there, and we were looking forward to catching up. We left home early on Good Friday morning and were there by just after 8.30am. This time we went to Borumba Dam, near Imbil which is only just over an hour away. We had a great site, not too crowded and down near the creek end. With not much else to do, we spent time relaxing, lazing in the hammock and sitting around the fire at night. Hayden made some lovely friends from a campsite about 100 meters away which kept him busy and occupied the whole time - perfect! We perfected the art of the washing up bucket bath too... ahhh!
Then on Easter morning, the Easter Bunny miraculously managed to find our tent! Hayden was thrilled with the idea of his Lightening McQueen and Thomas the Train eggs, but given that he doesn't like chocolate, he was very happy to have some jelly lollies as substitutes.
We came home on Easter Monday and then felt like we'd never been away!
In the mean time...
Uni semester is going really well, teaching is great, I'm loving it and have some great students. I'm about to start marking my second set of essays, which isn't too terrible. I'm also doing well in my first unit of honours coursework. I'm doing a creative advertising unit which is interesting.
The other big news is that we're expecting our second bub and all is well, yay! I'm currently over 14 weeks, we've had our Nuchal scan and all is looking good. We took Hayden to 'see the baby' when we had the scan, he was so excited, but the baby wasn't doing much so I don't think it was as entertaining as he'd anticipated. We have another scan in just under 4 weeks which I think will be a lot more exciting for him.

Our trip to Paris, London and Dubai is looming closer, only 10 weeks now until we fly out - crazy!!
We've also sold the house and it goes unconditional either today or Monday, we're looking to buy one tomorrow, it goes to auction but we'd like to get it after if it does not sell. Prepared to bid though if we (I - given that E will most likely be at work) have to.
I'm also still working for H2Options which takes up any and all spare time I think I might have each week - ideally I need some time off from there, which I may have just orchestrated, although now that I'm not so exhausted it's getting a little easier to be at full pace all the time.
So... they are all my excuses!
Till next time... xx