I'll go back a bit to Australia Day - we met up with some friends in the park down the road for a BBQ brekky, it was a great atmosphere down there as there was a community event starting at 10am, Rotary sposored it I think, they had a pit dug for damper, gum tree branches everywhere, tents and flags etc, it looked great. We found a table and had a quick swim before cooking. Not long into breakfast though, Hayden decided he wanted to go home, he was really tired - he'd been up late the night before as we went out to the surf club for dinner with a bunch of our neighbours. He spent all night running around with all the other kids from our street. So our morning in the park was cut short a little, Erin took Hayden home to bed and I finished brekky and packed up with James and Melissa and Dave, we all went back to our place and transferred into the pool - the beers started flowing, the Aussie music was blaring, the sun was out - perfect! We set in for the day, another friend Maria joined us and we just hung out - it was a perfect day.
Last Sunday (4th Feb) was my birthday - we started the day with Breakfast out at one of my favourite cafe's down at Moffat Beach - I don't have any shots of me yet, but here is one of Hayden!
Then we had a party in the afternoon down at La Balsa park which is at the Mooloolah rivermouth, I love it down there. It was a beautiful afternoon, we headed down there around 4pm and about 30 - 35 people joined us, we put on a barbie for everyone and the boys (and some of the girls) played cricket, the kids amused themselves, it was just a lovely relaxing afternoon surrounded by good friends.
Then, later in the week we headed to White Water World which is the newest water park on the Gold Coast, it's a sister park to Dreamworld and we'd purchased a 2 day 'world' pass for my Dad for Christmas, so we all went down to spend two days there. We hit the rides hard, well, Dad, Erin and I did - Mum's not into swimming or rides, but she had a great time playing with Hayden in Wiggle Bay which is set up for under 6's with slides and other cool water stuff. He also had a lot of fun at the Nicklodean world
There was a huge bucket on top that would fill with water and tip out over everyone - Hayden thought that was hilarious and loved to stand under it with Daddy and B'pa.
Hayden had a great time in wiggle bay - there were several slides he could come down by himself - his favourites were the purple and yellow ones.
He had fun hanging out with underwater Wags
and after all our swimming we went into Dreamworld to hit the other rides. Hayden loved the little kid rides like the merry-go-round and Dorothy's rosy tea cup ride
and after our ride on the Big Red Car he met the real Wags
who he was very excited to give a cuddle to.
After all that ride practice he graduated to a 'big boy' ride, this one had no height restrictions as the cage was fully enclosed but there was an age restriction of 2 I think, so he was fine to come on. Eirn and I were both in the carriage with him...
There we are right at the VERY top!!
He actually said he was a bit scared in that one - I don't blame him, I much prefer the tower of terror to rides that go around and around - my stomach is not what it used to be!
We mangaged to get Mum on the Tower of Terror - she didn't hate it but I don't think she'll be going on it ever again!!
So... we've packed a lot into a few short weeks, and a lot more to come. I have a new staff orientation at Uni tomorrow and lectures start next week, with my first teaching classes starting on 26/27 Feb. I'm still going to be doing some days at H2Options as well and Hayden is now in day care 4 days a week - M - Thur. We're saving up now for our trip to Paris, London and Dubai, we're going from 29 June - 15 July this year - more on that another time, I'd better get this posted!!
Signing off for now. Phew!!