Correct... I got a job... hence, no blogging from me of late. I'll get to that though, I thought I'd pick up from where I left off just before Christmas...
Christmas Eve eve we went to the Carols by Candlelight down at Kings Beach, very nice and very festive, then the following day, Christmas Eve we just took it very easy, it was our third wedding anniversary, Erin did a few jumps, can't remember what else. My sister and her boyf were driving up from Bris after their lunch with Joorj's Mum. Mum and Dad were also coming around and we had a great barbie dinner. Our neighbours a few doors up always host everyone in the street for drinks on Christmas Eve so we wandered up there while Dad slept on the couch minding Hayden. We came home and put together a few of Hayden's presents and called the USA before climbing the stairs close to - or perhaps just past - midnight.
Christmas Morning - at last! I think I was the most excited out of everyone!
We didn't want Hayden coming out of his room and seeing his presents before we got down there so we got up early and shut his door, when he woke I went into him and talked about Santa visiting - he was excited and ready to go
Then we took him out to the living room where his 'Santa' presents were:
He was allowed to play with those, his kitchen and his tool bench and the things in his stocking until Cec and Joorj got up and then Mum and Dad arrived, ready to 'do' the presents.
There were so many...
and after a while Hayden was completely overwhelmed by them all. He was very content with his trains and his Lightening McQueen and Maiter cars from 'Cars' which were the biggest hits of the day.
He did take a moment out though when he opened his present from B'pa which was two cricket bat and ball sets, one plastic one for now and then a wooden 'proper' bat and some stumps for him to grow into. He picked up his bat - first time mind you - and then stood like this:
Methinks we might have a natural in the making.
After presents were done we had breakfast, the traditional pancakes for Cec and I and the traditional oysters for those so inclined. With Champers of course. We all then jumped in the pool and tested out the new pool toys before Cec and Joorj headed off and Mum and Dad went home to prepare for the Christmas Dinner. Hayden went to bed and I cooked/iced gingerbread to go with desert. Erin and I also started packing up the car for camping and getting the house cleaned up so we could leave it in 'inspection' condition whilst away.
We went to Mum and Dad's around 4pm for Chrissy dinner, the table looked wonderful and the turkey smelled fantastic. Hayden tucked into some food and then had a great cuddle with Mima and then my Grandfather, Papa.
It was a much quieter Christmas than I'm used to, but relaxing and lovely just the same. The turkey gravy was again, scrumptious!!
Boxing Day... Camping!!!
We spent a great four days up at Noosa North Shore, it rained for most of the time but not downpours and there were clear times so Hayden could still get out and play with all the other camp-ground kids. I haven't optimised any pix of the trip yet, I will and add them in an edit, check back!
So... we returned on the Friday, 2 days before New Years. Erin worked Sat/Sun and then Sunday night we went over to some friends for a New Years party. Good night, good fun, Happy 2007!
Tuesday 2nd Jan - I had a client meeting booked to sort out some brochures, whilst I was there, to cut a long story short - I was offered a job, part time or whatever hours I could to help them out, the phones were rining non-stop and they really needed more help. I started the next day and did Wed, Thur Fri 8am - 5pm then Mon, Tue Wed the following week, same hours, then again last week. I'll say there doing that for a few more weeks until Uni starts when I'll be teaching as well as doing my honours which I recieved official acceptance into the program on Friday.
After my client meeting on Tues 2nd Jan I was on a mission to get Hayden's new bed, we kept putting it off until we moved but hey - that may be years away at this rate so we put some Christmas money towards it and Mum and I went out to pick one that afternoon. I'd narrowed it down but saw another one I liked and it turned out to be cheaper and available the next day, Hayden was so excited to be in it...
I didn't have time thought to go out and get him a new doona cover until last Friday, I couldn't find what I have in my head, so some more searching is required but here is what I bought in the interim...
He's so happy in it, and it looks great in his room. Such a big boy now. He's almost out of Nappies all together, he's moved into the next room at Kindy, soon he'll be learning how to drive - OMG - where did my baby go??????!!!!!!!
Anyway - this is a MAMMOTH blog, but all good things must come to an end :-) We've had a great day today, we did a bbq brekky at the park with some friends and then E went to jump for work, Hayden slept early so was up when E got home and we went down to Kings beach for swims, the Ocean was amazingly warm, I took Hayden out to the first line of breakers and we rode the waves, he liked that for a while, then we went into the new oceanside pool which was fabulous, then he had an icecream and after that washed it off in the fountains, again, he had a great time. So he's had a huge day, we've had a big day and the working week starts all over again tomorrow... phew!!