Yes - I needed another thing to distract me from my life!! I've been inspired thru the EB girls - many of whom's blogs will be on my links when I work out how to do that.
So... where to begin... brief history lesson I guess.
I'm Priscilla, married to Erin and we have the most amazing gift in the world, a 2.3yo son, Hayden. I'm guessing much of what will follow will be based on him, he's the light of my life!
I'm about to finish my degree, a BA in Communications and International Relations. I work from home in my own business, Graphic Design but I don't call myself a designer. I'm writing a novel, I want to do my honours year next year at Uni and I don't know what I want to be when I grow up!
The rest you'll probably gather as we go along on this journey called life... Stay tuned!